Get Involved
There are many ways you can get involved and support our mission. Whether you choose to foster an animal in need or donate to our cause, every contribution makes a difference in the lives of animals in our community.
There are many ways you can donate to the Taylor County SPCA. You can donate by mailing a check, or online via PayPal or Venmo. We also have an Amazon wish list. Because we are a non-profit organization, your donations are tax-deductible. If you would like to donate in-person, or would like to help by donating supplies, please email us at

Foster An Animal
We do not have a physical facility, so the SPCA relies on foster families. The more fosters we have, the more animals we can save! You do not need to live in Taylor County to foster!
Food, medical care and supplies are provided by us, and all we ask is that you love your foster animal in return! We are a completely foster based rescue and we are ALWAYS in desperate need of foster families. Foster families are what make saving these animals possible! If you would like to foster an animal, please fill out an application.
We always have need of volunteers! Whether it is stuffing bags of straw during winter, wrangling cats during cat yoga, or assisting with pictures with Santa, there is always something we could use help with! There are lots of ways you can get involved with the SPCA mission! Fill out our volunteer form if you would like to help!