Spaying and Neutering
We offer low-cost spay/neuter vouchers for cats and dogs at our vet in Greensburg. Cats are $45, and dogs are $75. To receive a voucher, fill out the form below and then submit payment via the yellow PayPal link beneath it. Once BOTH steps are complete, the voucher will be delivered to The Animal Clinic in Greensburg and you will be able to make your appointment. You will receive a text from us when the voucher is delivered.
**Voucher processing takes 7-10 days**
Spay/Neuter Voucher Application
1. Complete a voucher application for each pet and click submit. You will receive a "THANK YOU" if the form was submitted correctly.
2. After you submit your application(s), go down to the yellow PayPal button to submit payment. We accept PayPal, bank cards, and CC as forms of payment. You may make ONE payment if you are purchasing multiple vouchers. You must submit payment for your voucher to be processed.
Voucher processing takes 7-10 days; please be patient.
Once your application(s) and payment process, we will deliver your voucher(s) to Dr. Shuffett’s in Greensburg. After your voucher has been delivered, you will receive a confirmation text from us and then you may call and set up your appointment(s). Thank you!
Why Spay & Neuter Matters
Spay and Neuter SAVES LIVES
Around 2.7 million adoptable dogs and cats are euthanized (put down / killed) each year in the United States simply because they do not have homes. This is about 5,500 every day. These high numbers are the result of unplanned litters that could have been prevented by spaying or neutering.
Spaying and Neutering = Healthier Pets
Spaying and neutering can reduce the incidence of some of the most common types of cancers, making it likelier for animals to live a longer and healthier life.
Spaying and Neutering Can Curb Aggression
Many unneutered pets have aggression problems and often mark their territory with strong-scented urine, which can make the household unbearable. Early neutering can nix aggression.
Spaying and Neutering Can Save You Money
The cost of spaying and neutering a pet is less than the cost of raising puppies or kittens for one year. We know times are tough, which is why we offer some of the lowest cost vouchers in our area.